Activity trackers for healthy habits.
DAY ONE is on a mission to help people improve their lives by adopting new healthy habits through technology.
By January 21st each year, only 8% of people who make New Year’s resolutions are still on track with their newly established habits.
Common reasons for giving up include starting too many new habits at once or setting too ambitious ones, loss of motivation after initial setbacks, or simply failing to be organised and disciplined to execute on the plan.
DAY ONE offers bluetooth-enabled activity trackers that, paired with DAY ONE app, automatically track people’s behaviours helping them plan and establish new healthy habits.

There are a variety of habits tracker apps that help people keep track of their daily actions. However as they require to manually input data multiple times a day, they work only for highly disciplined and motivated individuals. In a sense, people need to adopt the habit of using habit tracking apps.

Day One trackers come in a box made of recycled cardboard surrounded by a frosted transparent PLA wrap.

The box includes four trackers alongside a docking, a charging cable and instructions for use.
The trackers
DAY ONE trackers can be attached to objects associated to new habits and track users actions automatically.
The trackers are inspired by the iconic shape of paper clips, they are made of durable plastic and come in a variety of fashionable colours.
Due to their recognisable shape, the trackers are designed to stand out, serving as a constant reminder of people commitment to their new habits.

A flexible form factor
The paper clip form factor allows users to attach the trackers to objects in three different ways: to thin flat objects as a standard paper clip, to thicker objects following a longitudinal orientation, or inserted in a keychain or loop.

Examples of objects: a book, the strap of a gym bag, shoes, a bag of cookies, toothpaste, notepad.
Examples of objects: e-book reader, thick book cover, yoga mat
Examples of objects: dog leash, zip on a bag, fabric tag, cable

Day One app
Day one trackers and App are seamlessly integrated into a cohesive user experience. To set up a new habit, users can place a clip on the docking, and follow the instructions on the App. Once a habit is set up, and a tracker is attached to an object related to the new habit, it will automatically track its usage.
Thanks to simple accelerometers, the trackers are able to sense an event and its duration, sending these info to the app via Bluetooth connectivity.
Users can monitor their progress and receive coaching to get back on track when they are not following their new routines.